offers the largest selection of comparisons exclusively focused on banks, credit institutions and all fintech solutions for Switzerland. Our site offers more than 30 comparisons, grouping the offers of more than 200 Swiss companies (banks, credit institutions, insurance companies). You can also use our simulators and calculators, as well as our blog which contains files, tests and all the news related to banks and financial institutions in Switzerland. Unlike other online comparators, you can consult our comparison tables without having to give any personal information. Our tables are optimized so that you can find the information you need to choose a provider directly.
Yes, our comparisons are neutral and independent. Indeed, we do not sell a place in our comparisons. We select companies according to our own criteria, which may vary according to the comparisons: price, reliability of offers, quality of customer service, reputation, ease of use, etc. In this regard, please do not hesitate to send us your comments and proposals regarding the services you have tested. This allows us to take your opinions into account in future updates of our comparisons and to considerably improve your experience.
We make every effort to ensure that the data on the site is as accurate and up to date as possible, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee that it is all perfectly accurate. In this respect, we cannot be held liable in the event of an error in the information you find on You can consult our terms of use for more information on this subject.
The content of is accessible free of charge. The platform and comparisons are financed by advertising space. In addition, some companies pay us a commission if you order a product or service after visiting our website. Finally, some articles published on our blog may be sponsored by one of our partners, in which case we undertake to indicate this as such.
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